Tag Archives: nylon

Jeff Wickham, P.E. is the Principal at LifeHope Medical, Inc.
Ask the Engineer

Three Discussions on Bonding a nylon component to an SLA part, First production run of an impeller assembly, and Plastic part with bosses for screws

By Jeff Wickham, P.E.
Jeff Wickham, P.E. is the Principal at LifeHope Medical, Inc.

Q: I tried to bond a nylon component to an SLA part, but the adhesive easily peeled off of the nylon even though I used what I thought was a very good adhesive. Any recommendations on how to get these parts bonded together? A: Plastics have different characteristics based on whether their material structure is semi-crystalline or amorphous. Plastics are composed of long polymer chains. In an amorphous structure these polymer chains are tangled together like a plate of spaghetti noodles. Typical ex…

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