Tag Archives: Medical Device Directive

Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

MDD – Annex XII

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine
Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International

Annex XII (CE Marking of Conformity) of the Medical Device Directive is all about the Mark, the whole Mark, and nothing but the Mark. The regulatory gods in the EU like their CE marking of conformity just as the mark is depicted in Annex XII. Dr. D’s best advice is to abide by the Annex and leave perfection alone.

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Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

MDD – Annex XI

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine
Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International

The takeaway from this edition of DG is extremely simple. Device manufacturers wishing to enter into the European device market must have a notified body. And under Annex XI of the Medical Device Directive, device manufacturers can take some comfort in knowing that notified bodies are also held to a high standard.

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Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

MDD – Annex X

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine
Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International

The takeaway from this week’s edition on MDD Annex X (Clinical Evaluation) is simple: the expectations of the Competent Authorities are that medical devices should always be safe and effective while conformity to essential requirements is achieved.

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