Tag Archives: Design

3M Adhesives

Understanding Skin and Designing Wearable Devices

3M Adhesives

Skin is an ever-changing organ. Its complexity makes it a challenge when designing wearable devices. When you design adhesives and devices that are made to stick to skin, there’s a lot to consider. Start your design with skin in mind. Learn more by reading “Meeting the challenges of skin.”


The Ultimate QA/RA Cheat Sheet

By Thomas Maeder

It is surprising how little many people in the medical device industry know about freely-, widely-available resources. Often, many do not know how easy it is to find the regulations and the preambles, or about the existence of Food and Drug Administration mailing lists, phone directories and databases. MedTech Intelligence presents a basic list of non-commercial regulatory reference links, most from FDA itself. Undoubtedly, we have missed some. Send us your suggestions to make this a ‘living, growing’ list.

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