Tag Archives: corrective action

Using Root Cause Analysis for Powerful Defect Prevention

Many product development teams use root cause analysis and root cause corrective action to identify the origin of defects in their development processes and prevent them from recurring. Though these can be complicated and time-consuming, automated product development solutions can help reduce the time spent on RCA, RCCA, code reviews, and other quality improvement efforts.

Many product development teams use root cause analysis and root cause corrective action to identify the origin of defects in their development processes and prevent them from recurring. Though these can be complicated and time-consuming, automated product development solutions can help reduce the time spent on RCA, RCCA, code reviews, and other quality improvement efforts.

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Tom Weaver, President, Weaver Consulting
CAPA Corner

Model for a CAPA Root Cause Investigation

By Tom Weaver
Tom Weaver, President, Weaver Consulting

This is the first of a series of articles on conducting a root cause investigation. The model applies to a Corrective Action/ Preventive Action or CAPA investigation, as well as any other type of investigation. In this premier article, we describe a model for conducting a science-based, systematic investigation leaving future articles to delve into more detail as the individual steps are explored, specific tools are highlighted, and example investigations are reviewed.

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