
Design Considerations for Multi-Material Molding of Thermoplastic Elastomers

By Terri Marion

Multi-material molding, a process whereby at least one melt processible material is bonded with at least one other material to produce a single, molded component, allows designers to optimize material properties and costs, eliminate assembly processes, and even invent ground-breaking products that could not be manufactured otherwise.

Multi-material molding, a process whereby at least one melt processible material is bonded with at least one other material to produce a single, molded component, allows designers to optimize material properties and costs, eliminate assembly processes, and even invent ground-breaking products that could not be manufactured otherwise.

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Terri Marion, Silicone Business Development Manager, GW Silicones, Inc.
Ask the Engineer

LSR Use in Devices

By Terri Marion
Terri Marion, Silicone Business Development Manager, GW Silicones, Inc.

Liquid Silicone Rubber or LSR is a thermoset elastomer based on silicone dioxide (sand). And in recent years, use of LSR is growing in usage and popularity. This installment of Ask the Engineer addresses some questions on uses of LSR in medical devices, how it can be injection molded, and 2K molding (multi-component LSR molding).

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